UK Visa information
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Join date : 2024-06-20

Understanding What is Sponsor licence  Empty Understanding What is Sponsor licence

Thu Jun 20, 2024 3:08 pm
A Sponsor Licence is an authorization issued by the UK Home Office that allows employers to recruit non-UK workers for their business. This sponsor licence application is essential for hiring under various visa categories, such as the Skilled Worker visa, ensuring that employers meet the legal requirements for sponsorship.

Benefits of a Sponsor Licence

Access to Global Talent: Expand your recruitment pool by hiring skilled workers from around the world.
Enhanced Business Growth: Fill skill gaps and drive innovation by attracting specialized professionals.
Compliance: Meet the legal requirements for employing non-UK nationals, avoiding penalty.

What is a Certificate of Sponsorship?

A Certificate of Sponsorship (CoS) is an electronic record generated by the employer, which is a crucial part of the visa application for foreign workers. It is not a physical document but a unique reference number.
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